Water/Sewer customers are required to fill out an application for water/sewer service. With that application, a photo ID is required
Renters: A renter is considered as such if they do not own both the property and structure. There is a $150 deposit required at the time of connection. The deposit is fully refundable as long as the utilities are paid in full. The deposit will not be refunded until a final bill has been issued. Once the final bill is determined, the town has the right to deduct all charges owed from the deposit and refund the remaining amount. Landlords are sent penalty notices in addition to the tenant. This advises the landlord of the tenants standing with the town, as the landlord could be held liable for sewer service left unpaid. All unpaid accounts will be summoned to small claims court.
Owners: There is no deposit for persons owning both the land and structure. However the town will file a lein against the property for all unpaid sewer balances. All bills are mailed out on the last working day of each month. Meter dates are from the middle of the month to the middle of month (Ex: Jan. 15 to Feb. 15). These dates may vary a day or two each month.
All Bills are due by the 15th of each month unless the 15th falls on a holiday or a weekend then you have the next business day to pay. Any bills paid after the due date will have penalty added. Bills are subject to disconnection if not paid by the 29th of each month.
Water and Sewer ApplicationAdobe Acrobat document [79.9 KB]
2022 Water Quality ReportAdobe Acrobat documentt[300 KB]
PayGov.US provides an online service which our customers can use to pay their water and sewer bill. PayGOV.US LLC accepts and processes cards bearing the Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express®, and Discover®, brands only.
For assistance with PayGov online bill payment, please call: (866) 480-8552
- The current rate, inside corporate limits is: 0 to 2000 gallons: $15.60.
- After the 2000 gallon minimum, the rate is charged per 100 gallons: $0.78
- The current rate for outside corporate limits is: 0 to 2000 gallons: $16.40
- After the 2000 gallon minimum, the rate is charged per 100 gallons: $0.82
Water Rates in TownAdobe Acrobat document [199.2 KB]
Water Rates Out of TownAdobe Acrobat document [229.7 KB]
- The current rate whether inside or outside corporate limits is 0-2000 gallons: $41.40
- After the 2000 gallon minimum, the rate is charged per 100 gallons: $1.38
- *Tax is charged on water only as sewer is a provided service.
Water Rates Out of Town with SewerAdobe Acrobat document [229.7 KB]
All water is metered. Sewer is charged based on the water reading. Meter readings are done approximately the 15th of each month. It will be a rare occasion in which a reading will be estimated. The Town does have a laptop which auto reads each meter when the laptop is in close proximity; therefore customers will not see any evidence of lid removal. The autoread system flags meters with leaks. Those leak notifications are passed on to the customer. The customer needs to try to find the leak as soon as possible to avoid a high bill. The Town does not adjust water bills for leaks.
Town of Owensville Wellhead Protection Program
To help protect the groundwater and our water supply wells from potential contamination, the Town is currently implementing a Wellhead Protection Plan (WHP). The WHP focuses on public awareness and education and spill prevention and reporting. For your reference, a complete copy of Owensville’s WHP is available at the Town Hall located at 103 S. Main Street in Owensville, IN. For more information to join the local planning team and assist with the implementation of the Wellhead Protection Plan, contact the Water Department at (812) 724-4151. Refer to the WHP brochure Protecting Your Drinking Water:Wellhead Protection (see bottom of page for download) for more information.
Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
The Annual Drinking Water Quality Report is provided to water utility customers each year and is designed to keep customers informed about the water utility and the quality of the drinking water over the previous year. The Owensville Water Department’s goal is to provied the community with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water. The most recent Annual Drinking Water Quality Report is available at Town Hall (see bottom of page for download).
Household Tips for Protecting Our Drinking Water Supply
- Reduce the amount of fertilizers, pesticides, or other hazardous chemicals (see bottom of page for downloads) that you use. Buy only what you need so that you don’t have to dispose of leftovers. Read all the labels and follow directions.
- Use organic lawn and garden alternatives that do not contain synthetic chemical poisons.
- Reduce the use of products that contain any of the following words on thier labels: caution, warning, danger, poison, flammable, volatile, caustic, or corrosive.
- Recycle used oil, automotive fluids, batteries, household hazardous wastes and other products. Don’t dispose of hazardous products in toilets, storm drains, wastewater systems, creeks, alleys, or the ground. This pollutes the water supply. Refer to the Gibson County Solid Waste Management District website for contacts and recycling information.
Private Septic Systems
As a part of the WHP Program, septic systems within the WHP areas were identified. Leachate from an improperly maintained septic system has the potential to directly affect groundwater used for our public water supply. Refer to the brochure Operating and maintaining the Home Septic System (see bottom of page for download) for information regarding the proper functioning and maintenance of your septic system. Additional information on septic systems is provided by the Gibson County Health Department website.
Abandoned, Active and Inactive Water, Oil & Gas Wells
The Town of Owensville is attempting to identify active, inactive and abandoned water, gas, and oil wells within the WHP areas. Damaged wells can become a direct conduit for surface contamination to reach the underlying aquifer. We ask for your assistance in identifying abandoned or inactive wells on your property. Please contact the Water Department with relevant information. Refer to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) brochure on the Orphaned & Abandoned Well Program (see bottom of page for download) for additional information.
Water wells are abandoned if the original purpose and use of the well has been disontinued for more than 5 years or if the well is in a state of disrepair. If the well was abandoned after January 1, 1988, a licensed water well driller must be used to plug the well. The licensed driller will complete a record of the abandonment and submit it. If a well was abandoned prior to 1988, refer to INDR’s Plugging and Sealing Abandoned Water Wells (see bottom of page for download) brochure provided by the IDNR.
We believe that an effective program of pollution prevention is everyone’s responsibility. By assisting us in this endeavor, you help ensure that the citizens of Owensville and surrounding communities will have a safe water supply now and in the future. If you have any questions or concerns or desire additional information on wellhead protection, please contact the Water Department at (812) 724-4151.
Wellhead Protection ProgramAdobe Acrobat document [79.9 KB]
2022 Water Quality ReportAdobe Acrobat document [300 KB]
Fertilizer Handling and StorageAdobe Acrobat document [199.2 KB]
Pesticide Handling & StorageAdobe Acrobat document [229.7 KB]