The primary function of the elected clerk treasurer of a town is to serve as the fiscal officer of the town, along with that the clerk also has many other responsibilities. Some of those duties are:
The clerk treasurer is also an ex officio member of the town council solely for the purpose of casting the deciding vote to break a tie (IC 36-5-2-8).
In most towns, the clerk-treasurer also maintains the books of the town’s utilities and the town council may provide that the clerk treasurer will receive extra compensation for such work (IC 36-5-3-2). Clerk treasurers are authorized to appoint deputies and employees subject to authorization by the town council. Such deputies and employees serve at the pleasure of the clerk treasurer (IC 36-5-6-7). If a town owns a utility and a clerk treasurer is directly responsible for the billing and collection of that utility’s rates and charges, the clerk treasurer shall appoint those employees who are also responsible for that billing and collection. These employees also serve at the clerk treasurer’s pleasure (IC 36-5-6-7).
The town council determines the salary of the clerk treasurer, who serves a four-year term. The salary cannot be changed in the year for which it is fixed nor may it be reduced below the amount fixed in the previous year (IC 36-5-3-2). The clerk treasurer must reside in the town or forfeit the office (IC 36-5-6-3).